Pastor Prints THIS Puzzling Notice In The Papers – No One Could Believe Why!

Pastor Prints THIS Puzzling Notice In The Papers – No One Could Believe Why!

Sophia Gioiello

Every now and then, you stumble upon something on the Internet that just makes you stop and think.

Perhaps you see an article that happens to hit home for whatever struggles you are dealing with, or maybe it’s a quick quote that brings you the fulfillment you need to get through your long afternoon.

This one may have a deeper meaning than the uplifting images you see splattered across your Facebook feed, but press pause on all the craziness in your life to really understand the story below.

Whether you are religious or not, the anecdote listed below teaches us all to stop and look at ourselves and our own actions. It’s human nature to find an easy way to put the blame on others around us, or even simply the circumstance, but in the end we are responsible for our own perspective on life and behavior.



What do you think of the controversial message in the image above? Tell us in the comments.

As always, SHARE the love and pass it on! 



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