You’ve Been Peeling Kiwi All Wrong! This Is The Quickest Way possible!

You’ve Been Peeling Kiwi All Wrong! This Is The Quickest Way possible!

Angela Markus

Fruit is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals and plays a significant role in preventing vitamin C and vitamin A deficiencies. Any doctor would advise you to have your fair share of fruits and veggies, no excuses, including the fact that they are a pain to peel! Here’s an awesome trick to peel your kiwis and mangoes the quickest way possible!

Kiwi is one of the healthiest fruits. It helps with digestion, high blood pressure and boosts the immune system. But sometimes when you peel them, do you get the sense that you are wasting the fruit and all the goodness that goes along with it?

This guy has an easy technique. He cuts both ends, takes a spoon and carves out the kiwi close to the skin. Wow, I feel like such a dummy. How did I not know this before?

Next, he grabs a mango. He cuts off a slice and uses a glass to separate the goodness from the skin.

Where has this dude been all of my life?

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