People Stare and Call Her Names – Just WAIT Till You See How This ‘Fat Girl’ is Inspiring EVERYONE

People Stare and Call Her Names – Just WAIT Till You See How This ‘Fat Girl’ is Inspiring EVERYONE

Kendall Conners

She danced her way into our hearts with her now viral ‘Fat Girl Dancing’ YouTube videos. Now this Internet sensation is showing us a side of her we’ve never seen before.

Whitney Thore was once a 5’2” dancer who started high school weighing only 114 pounds. But during her first year of college she started gaining weight so fast, Thore said she didn’t know what was wrong with her. By the end of her freshman year of college she had gained 100 pounds and spiraled downward into a deep depression.

She was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or POS for short. This condition made it very easy for her to gain weight and very difficult for her to lose weight. After overcoming many inner demons, Thore was able to find herself again and she’s ready to share her story.

Thore is now the star of her own show on TLC ‘My Big Fat Fabulous Life’. In her new show she’s sharing her story with the world and changing the way we look at ‘fat’.

“Theres PC [politically correct] terms for everything these days, but fat people are fair game. Someone has to fight for us,” said Thore on My Big Fat Fabulous Life.

Her outlook on life and positive attitude are BEYOND inspiring! She wants to show the world that there’s more to life than just a number on a scale and that you can be fabulous at any size.

What do you think of her inspiring story? Will you tune in to TLC’s new show? Please watch and SHARE this amazing woman’s story!