If you thought this DIY project was as awesomely adorable as I did, you NEED to watch this video! Surprisingly enough, it’s actually SUPER easy to recreate! I couldn’t be more excited either because this is one do-it-yourself project I think I might be able to handle!
All you need is a picture printed on regular copy paper, a block of wood, mod podge and a gel medium (found in almost ANY craft store). Then, it’s really as easy as 1,2,3!
Simply cover the wood with the gel, place the picture down and let it dry. Then take a wet cloth and scrub the wetted paper away. Once all the paper residue is gone, your photo will have transferred onto the wood! It’s almost like magic!
Now you can display your pictures in an original and super cute way! OR, you can use this project to quickly create the PERFECT last minute gift!
I can’t wait to try this craft out and display some of my favorite pictures around the house!
SHARE this awesome tutorial with your friends!