It Might Look Crazy, But How He Picks Up His Leaves Is So Fast and Efficient, You’ll Want To Try

It Might Look Crazy, But How He Picks Up His Leaves Is So Fast and Efficient, You’ll Want To Try

Angela Markus

Summer is great for many reasons, but so are the fall months. The perfect temperatures, football season, the colors outside, and pumpkin spice everything! My list of things I love about the fall can go on and on, but there is one thing I dislike about this time—raking leaves.

Having lots of trees on your property is a beautiful thing. They provide shade, atmosphere, and a nice habitat for birds. Besides, if you live anywhere that truly experiences the four seasons, the changing of the leaves in the autumn will turn your property into a beautiful color-fest. Unfortunately, however, these same leaves will soon begin to fall onto your lawn and accumulate at an alarming rate. Before long, you’ll have a big mess.

If you do not have the luxury of paying someone to do it for you, here is an easy way to pick up those pesky leaves.

The Fix it Home Improvement Channel is known for showing us some of the best home improvements techniques, and this guy is a genius! He bought a Robohandle and added an ergonomic grip to a pair of rakes.

Even his little neighbor uses the rakes with ease as she gathers big amounts of leaves and puts them into the bag.

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