Picture of Officer Comforting Baby is Now Going Viral. When You See It, You’ll Know Why.

Picture of Officer Comforting Baby is Now Going Viral. When You See It, You’ll Know Why.

Jamaica Bravo

Wow. Talk about going above and beyond the call of duty. This kindhearted police officer is a perfect model of the type of cops we need to see more of on the streets!

He responded to a radio call about a car accident on the highway, only to find a young distraught mother behind the wheel of one of the cars, and her baby screaming in the back seat. No one was injured, but the mom emerged from her vehicle understandably shaken up and was having a difficult time calming down her little one while answering police questions. While his partner, Deputy Tim Sanford took care of interviewing the drivers, Officer Ric Lindley, loving father of three grown children and grandfather to seven, perceptively evaluated the situation and determined the area where his help was most needed.

Giving the child’s mother a much-needed break to calm down, Lindley offered to hold her baby  for her. Mom gratefully accepted his offer, and the deputy spent the next hour or so comfortingly rocking the baby back and forth and murmuring sweetly to her. His partner Sanford later snapped a precious photo of the two, which quickly went viral on the web.



Lindley expressed confusion over this, saying he had done “nothing heroic” and didn’t need the publicity. When questioned by reporters, he said, “I wanted to give her mother time to regain her composure. She’s a young mother, and this was probably extremely traumatic for her.” What a sweetheart!

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