Pies are a staple of the holiday season and they can be a blast to make. Unless you make a mistake that you don’t discover until hours after baking it…Then there is nothing more frustrating (or embarrassing, if you have guests already taking a bite, by the time you notice).
Luckily, we just discovered a bunch of ways to make your pies gorgeous, so you don’t have to spend so much time worrying about how pretty they’ll turn out, and can focus on following the recipe instead.
This fantastic video, posted by Libbie Summers, a foodie on YouTube who likes to post all kinds of creative food recipes and tips, will have you excited to start making those pies! It is full of great ideas for how to crimp even the most difficult of pies. And Summers even includes examples for basically every kind of pie ever invented. So, if you have a specific special obscure type of pie in mind to bake this year, still take a look at this video, because Summer’s has tips of all kinds.
Some of these I didn’t even know were possible! They all look so easy to perform, even for someone who is a little art-challenged, like me. Watch this video and your pies will be stunning this year, I promise you!
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