This Is NOT Any Ordinary Geyser. Just WAIT Until It Erupts! BEAUTIFUL!

This Is NOT Any Ordinary Geyser. Just WAIT Until It Erupts! BEAUTIFUL!

Ashley Rego

When Marco Evaristii decided to add a little extra beauty to one of nature’s most majestic creations, he had no idea his harmless artistry would result in jail time. 

The Chilean artist has reportedly been smacked with a hefty fine alone with the two-week sentence behind bars after dying Iceland’s famous Strokkur geyser pink with food coloring.

His project has been criticized as vandalism, but in an article from Daily Mail, Evaristii defends his work,

I do what I do be­cause I’m a painter, a land­scape painter who does­n’t use a can­vas, I paint di­rectly on na­ture. I do not ask for per­mis­sion be­cause na­ture be­longs to noone. I be­lieve in free­dom of speech and I believe na­ture does­n’t be­long to cer­tain peo­ple, but to every­one. I love mother nature. If I love a womn I give her a diamond ring. That’s why I decorate nature, because I love it.”

Whether you view Evaristii’s controversial actions as praise-worthy or criminal, there is no denying the fact that the results of the stunt are unbelievably beautiful.

See the magnificent artwork below and be sure to SHARE the love and pass it on!