He Saved a Pitbull From a Raging Fire. Watch The Moment They See Each Other Again

He Saved a Pitbull From a Raging Fire. Watch The Moment They See Each Other Again

Angela Markus

On a daily basis, firefighters fearlessly enter deadly situations to save the lives of those in distress. If that is not a hero, I do not know what is. When a group of Sandusky firefighters were called into action one night, they had no idea what to expect. When they got to the house that was almost burnt to the ground, they were not sure who was inside, but they valiantly entered.

The firefighters immediately went to work knocking down the door when they heard frightened cries for help. They knew for sure there was a life in danger inside. As squeaks grew louder and louder, they finally managed to open the door. What they found inside was startling.

Six pit bulls were sounding an alarm for help. The firefighters rushed inside and grabbed three older dogs and three puppies. Thankfully, they weren’t in too bad a shape, the smoke hadn’t gotten to them too badly, and they all seemed healthy despite being understandably traumatized.

Now, a few days later, the brave firefighters had the pleasure of being reunited with the six precious lives they saved that day. As the owner of the destroyed house looks for a new residence for herself and her babies, she’s is extremely thankful to first responders for saving her babies.

I think the pit bulls are too. Their tails gave it away.

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