Police Officer Sings National Anthem After Scheduled Performer Is a No-Show

Police Officer Sings National Anthem After Scheduled Performer Is a No-Show

Angela Markus

While not advancing on American Idol may have prevented him from showcasing more of his skills, this police officer got to show the world his talent by giving an incredible impromptu performance of the national anthem when the scheduled singer got stuck in traffic.

Officer Carlton Smith dazzled the crowd as he sang a storming version of the Star-Spangled Banner, kicking off the college basketball game between West Virginia University and the University of Kansas.

The crowd is heard erupting into cheers and applauding Smith as he walks from the middle of the court after singing. According to local reports, Smith had been working security during at the game in West Virginia, but stepped in to sing with only a five-minute notice after singer Leslie Dorchester could not make it due to a snowstorm.

Dorchester said she was devastated she was unable to make it for her scheduled performance that night. However, when she failed to show, someone remembered that Officer Smith was an American Idol contestant in 2014. While the West University graduate’s day job is working as a police officer, singing is his passion. Many applauded his stellar performance and congratulated the officer for his rendition as he left the court.

What an incredible voice! Job well done!

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