Police Told This Woman There Was A Warrant For Her Arrest, But What They Do Next SHOCKS Her To Tears!

Police Told This Woman There Was A Warrant For Her Arrest, But What They Do Next SHOCKS Her To Tears!

Sophia Gioiello

When you see flashing lights behind your car, you immediately try to figure out what you did wrong! Police officers in Galveston, TX, pulled over this woman for a broken tail light, but she soon learns that this is all part of a carefully planned out surprise.

The officer asks her to step out of her car because of her outstanding warrants. At this point, she is completely confused and begins to cry. Additional officers are sent in to determine whether they need to handcuff this woman. Then her boyfriend, who is also a Galveston police officer, drives up to ask her an important question that he has been dying to ask!

He gets down on one knee, and this elaborate plan ALL makes sense!

Watch the emotional video below and make sure you SHARE with all your friends on Facebook!