13 Amazingly Brilliant Hacks For Pool Noodles

Pool Noodle Hacks

13 Amazingly Brilliant Hacks For Pool Noodles

Erika Carter

Pool Noodles can have many uses out of the pool!

The first use is that of a noodle funnel. This is the perfect hack if you have a small sink. In order to use the noodle as a funnel, simply attach the noodle to a faucet and then set a bucket on the floor. When you turn the water on, the water will travel through the noodle into the bucket.

The next use is a door stop. A noodle can be cut and fitted onto the edge of the door to keep it from shutting and locking. This can be very important when you have small children or pets that you want to protect from being locked inside a room.

A noodle can be used to hold fishing rods. All you need is a piece of wood such as a 2×4. The ends of the rods can be placed into holes drilled into the wood. You can then cut small slits into the noodle to securely hold the fishing poles. They slide easily in and out without fear of breaking.

Noodles can be used to reinforce the outside of small kiddie pools. Simply cut a slit down the length of the noodle and slide it onto the lip of the small pool. You will need two noodles to reach all the way around the pool. You can also use duct tape to securely attach the noodle so that it does not slip off. Attaching the noodle softens the outside of the pool so that young children do not hurt their shin when bumping into the pool.

There are SO many other great uses for pool noodles but I don’t want to give them all away — you’ll just have to watch the video and find out!

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