She Just Had Twin Babies And Posted A Picture Of Her Body. The Responses Are Ridiculous!

She Just Had Twin Babies And Posted A Picture Of Her Body. The Responses Are Ridiculous!

Sophia Gioiello

Hannah-Grace Moore welcomed two healthy babies into the world and decided to share her love for the new additions on social media.

She headed to her Instagram account, a social media application that allows you to share images and videos with friends and family, to display her post-baby stomach.   1187

This 20-year-old mother, like most women, struggled with her body image post delivery. While dealing with a negative body image she was also trying to balance her life as a new mother and all of the new responsibilities that come with it.

After months of mental debate, she finally mustered up the courage to post pictures of her body – stretch marks and all – on Instagram, as a way to boost her confidence. She hoped to reach out to other new moms in an effort to join the community and help rebuild her self-esteem!

Instagram, however, did not agree with this decision and immediately deleted her account.


According to Instagram, these photos are in violation of its terms of use. But we’d have to disagree with the photo-sharing app. Her body shows the incredible transformation Moore’s body went through in order to welcome her little girls into her life!

According to Daily Mail, Moore said the image censoring seems to confirm the negative thoughts she’d been trying to block out of her mind since she gave birth in June 2014.

Moore went on to say that, “I wrote that no one should ever get judged or brought down by their size because it shouldn’t matter.”

Apparently Instagram said this whole ordeal was just a “technical mistake” and nothing more. Hannah-Grace Moore’s original Instagram is up and running again.

Although just a “technical mistake,” this whole story really puts into perspective how a woman’s body can be viewed by the media. All in all, we think Moore looks great. A woman’s transformation through pregnancy and childbirth never ceases to amaze us!

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