She Opens A Gift To Find One VERY Special Surprise. Her Reaction Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes!

She Opens A Gift To Find One VERY Special Surprise. Her Reaction Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes!

Kendall Conners

When a couple finds out they’re expecting, their life changes forever. Welcoming a new baby into a family is one of the most exciting and exhilarating times in a parent-to-be’s life. But breaking the news to the potential new grandmas, grandpas, aunts, uncles and cousins can be equally as exciting!

I remember what it was like when I told my parents that my husband and I were expecting for the first time– now that’s a memory I’ll always cherish! I’m sure we’ve all seen our fair share of pregnancy announcements, but there’s something truly special about the compilation you’re about to see.

Expecting couples reveal the big news to their family members and capture all the reactions on film. When the soon-to-be grandmas and grandpas finally understand what’s going on, their heartfelt reactions will bring tears to your eyes!

Just wait till the last reveal of this compilation. When the grandpa-to-be finally realizes he’s about to be a grandparent, he just breaks down and starts crying. I couldn’t watch it without tearing up – it’s too sweet!

Grab the tissues and watch the video below!

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