Pregnant Woman Who Dangled 20 ft From a Building, as The Paris Attacker Roamed Below Her, Reunites With Savior

Pregnant Woman Who Dangled 20 ft From a Building, as The Paris Attacker Roamed Below Her, Reunites With Savior

Erika Carter

“Please, I’m pregnant.”

This was the heartbreaking plea from a woman who hung from a third floor window during the terrorist attack on the Bataclan Theatre in Paris just a few days ago. As she clung to the window sill for her and her unborn child’s life, a mysterious stranger appeared above her, reaching out to pull her to safety.

In tragic stories like this, it’s always refreshing to hear the amazing tales of bravery and humanity that surface in the following days. The woman, who is remaining anonymous to protect her identity as she recovers from the traumatic experience, says she ran in terror as shots rang out behind her. After reaching a third story window, she desperately climbed out and attempted to save her own life by jumping into the alley 20 feet below. After realizing the fall or attackers would either seriously injure her or kill her and her child, she began calling out for help. As she literally held on for dear life, gunshots are heard ringing out from the streets around her.

After a perilous two minutes, she was finally rescued by a man, Sebastian, who had escaped from being held hostage by the terrorists just minutes prior. He hauled her back up into the room and the two exited the building safely. Once home, the woman took to Twitter to seek out her savior. After she found him, the two exchanged numbers. The two were reunited and appeared on the Today Show and shared their story.

This is hopefully just one of many tales of bravery and heroism to come out of Paris this week. These two are definitely a wonderful example of human beings helping one another in the most dire of circumstances.

What an amazing story.

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