He Found The ‘Perfect’ Way To Ask His Girlfriend To Prom- But It Doesn’t Go As Planned!

He Found The ‘Perfect’ Way To Ask His Girlfriend To Prom- But It Doesn’t Go As Planned!

Ashley Rego

Daniel sits nervously in his car as he waits for girlfriend, Alex, to climb in. She rounds the back of the car and plops in next to her anxious boyfriend.

Unaware of his panicky attitude, Alex sits tight, making small talk like any other day. The car makes its way to the main road, and Alex gazes out at the passing scenery. With an encouraging, “what does that sign say?” from Daniel, Alex reads the fleeting words aloud, “I think it said something something ‘Lee?'”

She continues to read the signs as they pass. “Will…you…marry…LOL JK…Go to…Prom with me?” Completely unaware that the question is directed towards herself, Alex enthusiastically exclaims how unamused she is with the way this person went about asking someone to prom.

After hearing Daniel’s defeated response, she quickly realizes that he was the brains behind the signs. She immediately begins bawling and profusely apologizing for putting down his thoughtful gesture.

In the end, she agrees to go to prom with Daniel, but not without one somewhat awkward video memory to cherish forever!

How was your promposal experience? Hope it went a bit smoother than this one!

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