Animals are very interesting creatures. While we can’t communicate with them, they understand a lot of what is going on and know when to assist us. Dogs are especially good at using their canine instincts, and this dog is no different.
It all started when a puppy and his owner were out for a walk. His owner is in a wheelchair, so the puppy realized he would need to take the walk into his own hands … or paws. He happily follows behind the owner with his leash on.
He ends up walking himself, so that he doesn’t have to rely on his dad to try and hold the leash while push himself in the wheelchair. The leash is wrapped around his body and dragging behind him. He is so little, but able to keep up with his dad in the wheelchair.
The whole time on the walk he stays right behind the chair and a little underneath it. The puppy turns around and he has the leash in his mouth, so he literally has been walking himself the entire time.
He continues to follow right behind the wheelchair, and gets as close as possible while walking himself with the leash. Finally the owner in the wheelchair stops, so that puppy can sit down. The puppy, exhausted from walking himself, plops over on the ground to take a break.
This might be the cutest thing I’ve EVER seen — SHARE the love and pass it on!