She Was Nearly Aborted Twice. Now She Has Something To Say To Her Mother Who Gave Her Up For Adoption 40 Years Ago

She Was Nearly Aborted Twice. Now She Has Something To Say To Her Mother Who Gave Her Up For Adoption 40 Years Ago

Genevieve Lopez

Rebecca Kiessling always knew she was adopted, but it wasn’t until she was 18, when she discovered the reason why.

The 45-year-old from Michigan waited until she finally became a legal adult to track down her biological mother, JoAnn.

When they finally met, JoAnn revealed something to Rebecca that would change her life forever.



When JoAnn was a young girl, she was a victim of rape. While on her way home from shopping one evening, a man attacked her and dragged her body to a nearby field. He was armed, and according to the story Rebecca told Daily Mail, “she was lucky to be alive.” The attacker was never discovered, but JoAnn was pregnant with his baby, Rebecca. Since abortion was illegal in Michigan at the time, JoAnn went to two backstreet abortion clinics to end her pregnancy, but changed her mind when she saw the harsh conditions the facilities had.



Despite JoAnn’s tragic story, Rebecca understands why her biological mother would have had these thoughts. “Seeing me every day would have been a reminder of the rape. No wonder my mum hadn’t wanted me,” she says. “All these years I’d wanted to find my roots. Now I knew my dad had been a rapist and I’d been conceived in what was probably the worst moment of my mum’s life.”

Rebecca claims that when she finally met her mother, it felt natural to call her ‘mum.’ The relationship felt so natural that Rebecca made JoAnn the Mother of the Bride at her wedding.



Unfortunately, Rebecca’s relationship with her adoptive parents was not as strong, but the rekindled relationship with her biological mother healed plenty of wounds.

“I finally feel like I belong in the world.” Rebecca says.

Now Rebecca is a prominent pro-life speaker that travels around the world sharing her incredible story with others.

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