She Refused To Get Vaccinated. Now One Couple’s Children Are Exposed To The Deadly Virus! Hear What Mom Has To Say…

She Refused To Get Vaccinated. Now One Couple’s Children Are Exposed To The Deadly Virus! Hear What Mom Has To Say…

Genevieve Lopez

This family is turned upside down when they discovered their two precious children were exposed to the measles. Now, their 3-year-old son, who is far too young to get vaccinated, is showing signs of the deadly virus. The worst part, this was no accident.

Just a few months prior, an anti-vaccination family attended Disneyland and came down with the measles. While at the clinic, they infected a woman who was in the waiting room, who then later exposed 195 children, including this family’s two young children. Even more terrifying, their daughter has leukemia, a cancer that greatly affects the immune system and could easily invite the virus into her body. Now the mother of the exposed young boy has a few things to say to the people who refuse to get vaccinated and it’s not pretty!

Their story will make you want to always stay indoors. It’s terrifying!

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