He NEVER Expected This Response When He Told His Dad To Look At His Report Card

He NEVER Expected This Response When He Told His Dad To Look At His Report Card

Sophia Gioiello

There are some things in life that, no matter how hard we try, we’re just not that great at. For the uncoordinated few, sports are definitely not their thing. For the artistically challenged, painting and drawing should be left for the creative minds.

But for this young student, it was the problem solving of math that really got him.

He has never passed math before…in his entire life. He says he’s never been the academic one in the family and always had a little difficulty with school. His father and teacher helped him through the tough class, but they were skeptical how the final grade would turn out.

In the video below, we see the very first moment he passes his math course. Watch as he nervously opens up the report card to show to his father, it’s sure to put a huge smile on your face!

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