Plymouth Woman Begs Theives To Return Precious Hospital Bracelets

Plymouth Woman Begs Theives To Return Precious Hospital Bracelets

Angela Markus

In Plymouth Massachusetts, a grieving mother’s heartbreak was made a little worse when someone broke into her car and stole a valuable item. It was not the wallet or a bag, but inside of the wallet was something more important than money. It was her late son’s hospital bracelet.

Casey Kilcup’s son Brison was four months old, when mom left him for his first overnight, in the care of his grandparents. That night would be the last time she ever saw him.

Although the autopsy isn’t yet complete, Kilcup said she believes it was sudden infant death syndrome. “We miss him every day.  We think of every milestone,” she said.

One of Kilcup’s coping mechanism is keeping everything of Brison, his clothes, his toys, and the hospital band with both of their names on it. The bracelet was the one thing that she could look at when things got really low.

Kilcup said her wallet was stolen out of her car parked in the driveway of her house. Now, she wants the thief to know that she has forgiven them.

All she wants is her son’s hospital bracelet so she can continue remembering him.

If you will like to help Kilup, please SHARE the story and pass it on.