“The Birds” is one of Alfred Hitchcock’s most famous and terrifying movies. I remember watching that movie as a kid and being absolutely horrified. Any time I saw a bird, I’d freak out!
Well the video that you’re about to see reminds me a whole lot of that epic 1963 film, but instead of birds attacking, in this case it’s fish. The Washington University men’s rowing team was in St. Louis practicing early Friday morning on Creve Coeur Lake.
They were rowing along when all of a sudden they spotted a few fish jump out of the water. Before they knew it, an entire horde of Asian carp began frantically launching themselves up and out of the water!
Apparently, they weren’t too pleased with the boats shaking up the water and their frantic leaps showed it! Captain of the varsity team, Benjamin Rosenbaum, caught the whole thing on camera.
He normally their practices aren’t so eventful, but due to recent heavy rains and flooding, more fish might have come to the area, according to USA Today. Locals in the area have noticed a recent increase in Asian carp and aren’t exactly happy about it. Not to mention the fact that these fish can get ginormous!
“They’re huge fish,” Rosenbaum told USA Today. “They hurt when they hit you in the rib cage.”
Watch the video below and witness for yourself the insane amount of Asian carp flying through the air! I’d be terrified if I was in one of those boats!
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