Santa Takes Picture With Baby Who Fell Asleep In Line To See Him and They’re ADORABLE!

Santa Takes Picture With Baby Who Fell Asleep In Line To See Him and They’re ADORABLE!

Jamaica Bravo

We all know Old Saint Nick is supposed to be jolly, but how about impossibly sweet? This mall Santa likes to portray him that way anyway. He’s been acting as the Eastland Mall’s Santa for 30 years now, and this man believes that every child should get to experience a warm and loving meeting with Santa.

He started acting as Father Christmas back when his younger brother was fighting leukemia, as a way of giving back to the world and spreading positivity and love. Now, decades later, he still does his best to spread holiday cheer every year. Sounds to us like Evansville, Indiana is a pretty nice place to  be this winter, with people like this man spreading the true meaning of Christmas, by showing kindness even in the busy holiday bustle.

When Dad Donnie Walters took his six month old son to see this mall Santa, the line was so long that his son fell into a deep sleep while they waited. By the time they reached Santa’s chair, little Seke was out cold. Walters would have woken his son up for the pictures, but Santa had a better idea.



He suggested that they let the little boy keep sleeping, and posed for silly pictures with the baby instead.



It’s so funny to see little Seke snoozing soundly as this considerate Santa pretends to be snoring with the baby as well. What an adorable set of pictures!

Daddy Walters later wrote about the encounter saying, “After falling asleep in line waiting, Santa asked us not to wake him and the outcome was the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.” And he’s right about that, because these photos might be the cutest thing we have ever seen too! What a great display of true holiday spirit!

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