Saving His Pennies Since He Was 17, This 80 Year Old Man Is About To Cash In!

Saving His Pennies Since He Was 17, This 80 Year Old Man Is About To Cash In!

Ashley Rego

After saving his pennies for 65 years, this 81-year-old man is about to finally deposit it all in one *heavy* lump sum. Carting his 500 pounds of shiny (and some not so shiny) copper coins to the bank, Ira Keys is about to find out exactly how much he has saved, one penny at a time!

Thanks to the advice of his father, “whatever you do son, save your money,” Ira hasn’t spend a penny since he was 17 years old. Since he didn’t really have that much money to save, at such a young age, he started to just save his pennies. 

It ended up taking the bank employees over an hour to count Ira’s collection of 81,600 pennies – but in the end, he walked away with $816 – not bad for a lifetime of penny savings!

So maybe next time you see a penny on the ground, think twice before walking past it. Clearly these suckers can add up!

Remind your friends that a penny saved is a penny earned and SHARE this story!