Thanks to reporters everywhere working their butts off, we learn about all the important news happening all over the world… that is, if we’re not distracted.
Ashish Joshi was in Westminister, London when he was delivering news about Prime Minister David Cameron with SkyNews. He says the Prime Minister insists that his NHS reforms will “go ahead,” despite the opposition received in the House of Commons. David Cameron set out his proposals but opposition NP say… they simply say… wait a minute! What is that going on in the background?!
If you manage to pick up on anything this reporter is saying 20 seconds into his report, you’ve got the attention of a god! With all that entertainment going on in the background, there’s no telling what this reporter is saying!
Happening just a few feet behind him is the greatest magic show you’ll ever see, quite frankly because these men have comedic bravery! In between reporter Ashish’s plans, reforms, and changes, you’ll be distracted by magicians Young & Strange’s live photobombing!
One of them straps himself on a metal bed, while the other hovers over him. In the traditional abracadabra fashion, he waves his hands over the body as it slowly starts to shrink. One of the magicians even hops off the table and spins the other around, revealing true magic! Tada!
Sorry Ashish, I didn’t get any of that and I guarantee no one else did either… I’m sure the Prime Minister has it all under control.
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