Saying They’re Too Enticing For Men, This Woman is NEVER Wearing THIS Again. Do YOU agree?

Saying They’re Too Enticing For Men, This Woman is NEVER Wearing THIS Again. Do YOU agree?

Kendall Conners

This woman’s decision is sparking quite the conversation and controversy everywhere. She has taken a vow to never wear leggings again.

Leggings, or yoga pants, have become quite a popular article of clothing amongst women. They’re comfortable, can be worn to work out in, and can also make you look reasonably put together – which is why women everywhere love them! But this woman in particular is singing a different tune.

Women aren’t the only ones who love leggings – men have taken notice of these skintight pants and can’t help but glance at women when they wear them. Which is why this woman vows to never wear them again. She says that if even her own husband can’t help but look at women who wear leggings, what’s going through the minds of other men who don’t have the same self control as her husband.

Her own personal decision has sparked QUITE the debate on social media. I can see her side of the argument, but I can also see the other side of the argument that says, no matter what you wear men WILL look.

What’s YOUR opinion on this hot topic? Please watch and SHARE!