When She Goes Outside To Play, Her Dog Refuses To Leave Her Side. But Not For The Reason You’d Think

When She Goes Outside To Play, Her Dog Refuses To Leave Her Side. But Not For The Reason You’d Think

Kendall Conners

After having trouble breathing, Alida Knobloch took her first trip to the hospital at just 7-months-old. Within two months her parents had a diagnosis – Alida had Neuroendocrine Hyperplasia of Infancy or NEHI for short.

This rare disease prevents oxygen in her lungs from getting to her bloodstream, which means at just three-years-old Alida needs an oxygen tank on her at all times. But those big oxygen tanks can be heavy and difficult to carry around.

Luckily, her father crafted a little pushcart with wheels so she’s able to wheel around her oxygen and not worry about lugging around huge tanks. While the cart works great indoors, her dad was worried about what she would do when the time came to play outside.

“What am I going to do to this cart so that she can go outside and play, like a normal kid,” said Aaron Knobloch, Alida’ father.

That’s when they turned to their favorite four-legged friends for help. Meet Mr. Gibbs, Alida’s service dog. Mr. Gibbs is the reason why Alida can go outside and play like every other toddler!

Every time she wants to go outside they strap up Mr. Gibbs with her oxygen or ‘Os’ as they call it and the two are off and running! Mr. Gibbs is able to run with her, go down slides with her, sit next to her while she plays on the swings and much more. Wherever Alida is Mr. Gibbs is right there by her side.

If it weren’t for this amazing dog Alida wouldn’t be able to run outside and play like all the other kids her age. Mr. Gibbs isn’t just a dog or playmate to Alida he’s a lifesaver.

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