They Were About To Catch a Wave But Lurking Beneath Them Were Dozens of Sharks!

They Were About To Catch a Wave But Lurking Beneath Them Were Dozens of Sharks!

Erika Carter

Like many people, I am deathly afraid of sharks. So much so, in fact, that when it comes to going in the ocean, I make a rule to only go in up to my waist. Maybe I’ve seen “Jaws” too many times or maybe I’m just a scaredy cat, but for whatever reason, I can’t make myself go in any deeper. Sometimes I wonder if it’s time for me to get over my phobia — and then I see a video like this.

In what might be one of the coolest — and also most terrifying — videos ever, a drone camera captures sharks swimming mere feet from surfers at Pismo Beach in California. While I obviously understand that sharks are frequently in close proximity to surfers and swimmers (again, the main reason I don’t like to swim in the ocean), it’s crazy to see it from an aerial view and to see just how close they actually to people.

Luckily the video has a happy ending, meaning that no humans were attacked or eaten during the making of it. While it is a beautiful video and shows just how amazing nature really is, my main takeaway from it is that I’m glad I don’t plan on going to the beach any time soon.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go try to get the “Jaws” theme out of my head.

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