She’s Finally Reunited With Her Husband- And She Has One BIG Announcement For Him!

She’s Finally Reunited With Her Husband- And She Has One BIG Announcement For Him!

Sophia Gioiello

These high school sweethearts are the definition of true love! Jonathan met Megan when they were just young teenagers, but they instantly fell for each other.

Jonathan is a sergeant in the United States Army and has faced the impossible situation to leave his wife and loved ones at behind. He was recently deployed overseas for months, and Megan couldn’t wait for him to come home.

Megan waited anxiously in the airport with their friends and family for this much-anticipated moment. He had no idea that the moment he stepped off the plane his life would change forever.

Watch the video below to see this incredibly heartwarming surprise! Don’t forget to SHARE this inspirational moment with your friends on Facebook!