This Siblings’ Adoption Story Is Unlike Anything You’ve Heard Before

This Siblings’ Adoption Story Is Unlike Anything You’ve Heard Before

Angela Markus

Living at the hand of a parent abusing drugs or alcohol is challenging for children. In this 6-minute clip, the story of foster care is told through the mind of young Alex.  He shares what life was like before adoption, and how happy he is to have his family now.  Since adoption, his parents have adopted one more sibling, another boy. Now, this family of 5 is thriving on the abundance of love in their home.

Alex and Brittney spent most of their childhood bouncing back and forth between living in foster homes and living with their abusive and neglectful mother. Yet, they were together through it all, and Alex did everything he could to protect his sister, despite being a child himself.

Unfortunately, siblings who enter foster homes tend to get split up during adoptions, but luckily Alex and Brittney found a forever home together. After being in the foster system for more than a year, a wonderful family knew that they just had to adopt the duo. The family took just one look at a picture of the brother and sister.

Alex still remembers life with his birth mother, and explains he “saw her doing a lot of smoke and not paying attention to me and my sister.” Despite their situation, Alex would make sure Brittney didn’t see everything their mother put them through. “I remember my old mom wasn’t treating me nice when I was little,” Alex said. “She was having fights. She wouldn’t see Brittney, so I’d pick her up and I’d take her to a place where the fighting isn’t happening.”

Alex’s parents found him through Amara, a non-profit group in the state of Washington, which helps find permanent homes for foster children. From the looks of it, they have prepared the best and most loving atmosphere for Alex and his siblings to enjoy life.

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