These 9 Tips Could Protect Your Baby From SIDS

Baby Deaths

These 9 Tips Could Protect Your Baby From SIDS

Ashley Rego


According to, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is the leading cause of death among babies between 1 month and 1 year of age. Each year, more than 2,500 babies die from unpredictable disease in the United States alone. 

While this unexplainable disease is impossible to diagnose ahead of time, there are multiple ways to prevent the possibility of SIDS affecting your baby.

Below, nine lifesaving tips are presented that could help diminish the risk of SIDS or other major injuries. Some may be common knowledge such as the importance of keeping your child’s immunizations up to date, while others are lesser known, like the consequences of kissing your baby in the ear or the reasons why you should not install cot bumpers into your baby’s crib.

Whether you are a new parent, a proud grandma, or a mommy-to-be, these tips could potentially save a baby’s life and should be shared with anyone and everyone.

1. Never mix water with breast milk

Doing so can cause infant malnourishment and/or water intoxication.


2. Don’t use cot bumpers

They can restrict baby’s breathing when he/she presses her nose or mouth against it.


3. Don’t let babies sleep on their tummies

This can cause suffocation.


4. Don’t let babies sleep in bed with you

The risk of unintentional smothering is too high.


5. Don’t kiss a baby in the ear

This simple act of affection can lead to deafness by injuring the ear drum.


6. Don’t overheat the baby

Overdressing or using excessive coverings can increase their metabolic rate and eventual loss of breathing control.


7. Keep immunizations up to date

By doing so, your baby will be protected from diseases that could cause serious health problems.


8. Don’t leave a baby near water

It only takes two inches of water to be fatally hazardous.


9. Never place a baby to sleep on soft surfaces

This can cause suffocation. Babies may not have the strength to push their face away from something that could be blocking their airways.


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