This Is So Simple! You’ve Been Using Aluminum Foil And Plastic Wrap WRONG All This Time!

This Is So Simple! You’ve Been Using Aluminum Foil And Plastic Wrap WRONG All This Time!

Bethany Burrows

Thank God for lifehacks! Just when you think you know how to do something, someone comes out with an easier/better/faster way to get stuff done!

How many of us have been victims of messy tinfoil and plastic wrap? I can’t tell you how much I hate using plastic wrap because every time I do, the whole roll comes flying out of its box! It turns out there is an easier way to use tin foil and plastic wrap and I JUST found out about it! After watching this, the only thing I can say is “How did I not know about this earlier!?” My kitchen will never be the same.

Please SHARE this awesome tip with others!