They Slowly Walk Out on Stage. Once They Start Moving Their Feet? I’m SPEECHLESS.

They Slowly Walk Out on Stage. Once They Start Moving Their Feet? I’m SPEECHLESS.

Kendall Conners

The world is a beautiful place filled with a huge variety of cultures, each unique in their own way. Luckily, we live in a time where we can explore cultures that aren’t our own with just the click of a button.

Sit back, relax and prepare to be BLOWN away by this traditional Russian folk dance! We’ve all seen our fair share of performances, but I can almost guarantee you’ve never seen something like THIS before. This group of performers walked slowly out on stage, with straight faces. At first I was a little confused as to what was going on, but once they started dancing I was blown away!

These dancers are performing a traditional style of Russian dance called Berezka. This style of dance requires almost no movement up top – most of the work is done from the waist down. Each dancer is perfectly synced up with each other and it requires a LOT of concentration to remain uniform.

The most fascinating part of this dance is the way they glide across the floor. It looks like they’re on wheels or roller skates!



“Upon joining the ensemble, dancers are told to keep the famous “floating step” technique a secret, and not to share it even with their family,” according to

I certainly have NEVER seen anything like this before and was watching this in complete awe and fascination. I wonder how much leg strength this requires?

What did you think of this dance? Please watch and SHARE!