When it comes to the children of the clergy, stereotypes abound. There is a famous stereotype, the one where the pastor’s kid is the prodigal—the wayward child. The underlying assumption of this stereotype is some Christians believe those who’ve grown up closest to the church are the quickest to leave it.
But many assume there is the model child, the one who lives by the rulebook and follows in the footsteps of his minister parent. That child is likely to willingly take up the ministry as their own calling. I think that correctly describes this brilliant child.
Jonathon Aaron Toogood is a pastor from Brooklyn, New York, and one can safely assume that he encourages the passion for God in his house the same way he does in his church. When you see his son burst into a sermon and gospel music all while safely tucked in his car seat, riding along with his dad, you will not stop smiling.
He takes us to church!
“I want God to lead me to the rock because the rock is higher than I,” the little boy says with conviction. “The rock can never squish us to make us be flat and the rock can never make us be flat to go to the devil. The only thing the rock can do is stand up and make us go to God cause the rock is higher and it can go higher all the way to heaven… and that is higher than I!”
Can the church get an Amen? This is adorable!
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