She’s Singing A Song To Her Baby She Nearly Aborted. When You Hear It, You’ll SOB!

She’s Singing A Song To Her Baby She Nearly Aborted. When You Hear It, You’ll SOB!

Genevieve Lopez

Two years ago, Kimberly Henderson sat in the waiting room at her local abortion clinic She was only 24 years old and had her whole life ahead of her. She knew having a child at such a young age and alone would change her entire life! She was terrified. But something came over her that made her come to a halt! She said God had bigger plans for her. It was a day that’ll she’ll remember forever.

Now, an American Idol star and a mommy of a beautiful 2-year old little girl, Kimberly sings a song of strength and glory. It’s a song she’s written for her little girl entitled, “Tiny Hearts.” Grab the tissues- this is a tough one to take in.

She says, “My daughter Vaida Everly has a purpose. Her name means beautiful life. And lord she is just that.. A beautiful life.” When you hear this song, you’ll know exactly what she’s talking about.

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