What He Said About His Mom Brought an Entire Room of Middle School Students to Tears

What He Said About His Mom Brought an Entire Room of Middle School Students to Tears

Kendall Conners

Middle school is such an awkward time for everyone. I have yet to meet a single person who didn’t struggle with anything during those awkward tween years.

It’s during this awkward time that kids can start getting into trouble. They’re not children still, but they’re also not teenagers just yet and with SO much pressure to ‘fit in’ they often rebel and become ‘too cool’ to listen to their parents.

Which is why former WCW and WWE Champion, Marc Mero was there speaking to them. Throughout Mero’s life and career he achieved great success as a professional wrestler! At this stage in his career he defines success in a much different way though. He’s on a mission to make all those lives he comes in contact with better. He wants to spread a message of hope, positivity, inspiration, and wants to make a difference in any way he can.

While speaking to this middle school class he knew he had to hit home to get their attention. So he told them the story about his relationship with his mother and how he didn’t truly appreciate her till it was too late, till she was gone.

What he said hit home with EVERYONE in the room. All the students in that room and people watching this video (myself included) were moved to tears.

His words reminded us how important it is to appreciate those we love while we still have time. What did you think of this powerful message? Please watch and SHARE!