They Noticed Something Dangling From Their Door Handle. What Pops Out Seconds Later… YIKES!

They Noticed Something Dangling From Their Door Handle. What Pops Out Seconds Later… YIKES!

Jamaica Bravo

Eek! Get ready to scream, because this giant spider hiding under a girl’s car door handle is completely and irrevocably terrifying.

Found in Australia, and some parts of the United States, these huge deadly spiders grow to have bodies that are roughly the size of a quarter. They are famously dangerous. Though they will only attack when threatened and unable to escape, their bites have been known to carry a venom that can erode human skin. Their hemotoxic poison can cause red blood cells to burst, and result in a creepy infection that appears to rot the skin and will not go away unless treated by a medical professional. In children, the elderly, or those with a weakened immune system, these bites can be fatal, because the venom circulates throughout the body in a matter of minutes, and can spark systemic effects including massive amounts of nausea and sometimes organ damage.

Luckily, this couple spotted the spider before grabbing the handle, so they weren’t bit, but they sure were frightened out of their wits! I can’t believe they managed to see the spider before touching it!

Unsure what to do, the couple ran inside and grabbed a bottle of spider-killing bug spray. You can watch as they spray the spider until it finally drops from the door handle and runs under the car. Seeing those spindly tan legs creep out from under the handle will make your skin crawl. Ugh! I don’t know about you, but I, for one, will certainly be looking twice before I reach for any door handles in the near future!

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