Spook People Out This Halloween With This Stitched Mouth Tutorial

Spook People Out This Halloween With This Stitched Mouth Tutorial

Jamaica Bravo

Looking for a DIY Halloween costume that’s as easy to throw together as it is creepy? Well, look no further, we have the perfect one for you! This girl is the mastermind behind the Promise Phan YouTube channel, where she has been posting all kinds of amazing costume ideas for years. She’s a wiz with makeup, but don’t worry, you won’t have to be, because this costume theme is equal parts simple-to-create and frightening!

Take a look at this video to see how she throws together a scary stitched mouth look, that would be perfect for a voodoo doll costume or torture victim at your haunted house.

Here’s what you’ll need:

Thick black thread

Spirit Gum & Remover  (or equivalent brand)

Brown & Red face paint


One large needle

Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: First, apply your usual powder foundation over your lips and mouth area, so that they appear colorless.

Step 2: Measure your lips with a piece of thread to ensure that the pieces will be long enough, then cut about 8 to 10 equal length strands.

Step 3: Take your Spirit Gum, or if you couldn’t find this brand, any fake eyelash glue will work, and dab a drop right above and below your lips.

Step 4:Press the edges of each piece of thread onto the glue.

Step 5: Continue across your entire lip area, cutting your thread a little each time as you move towards the corners of your lips.

Step 6: Thread your needle with a piece of thread about 2 to 3 inches long, and finish it off with a knot so your needle won’t fall off.

Step 7: Use some more Spriti Gum to attach the free end of your thread to one corner of your mouth, then tuck or pin the needle to your costume top.

Step 8: Apply a dab of your brown facepaint to the edges of the threads surrounding your mouth. (Pro Tip: Keep the brown shade light for best results.)

Step 9: Do the same with your red facepaint to make it look like your lips are bleeding where they were pierced.

Step 10: Be sure to keep the Spirit Gum or eyelash glue remover to aide in your costume removal at the end of the night! Now go forth and scare some people!

Happy Halloween!

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