When You See What THIS Famous Rock Star Did For A Little Girl On A Flight, You’ll Love Him Even MORE

When You See What THIS Famous Rock Star Did For A Little Girl On A Flight, You’ll Love Him Even MORE

Kendall Conners

The invention of airplanes and commercial flights completely changed the way we travel forever. Instead of taking boats or trains to get somewhere, which could take days, weeks, sometimes even months, people could now get to their destinations in a matter of hours! You could hop on a flight in Los Angeles and be in New York in the same day!

Now, flying is almost second nature to most people. So, what started out like any other flight for the mother and daughter in this video, ended with an unexpected and completely awesome twist!

A mom and her 7-year-old daughter were on board a Southwest flight. They were sitting there minding their own business when all of a sudden the person in front of them turns around. And to their surprise it was none other than Aerosmith’s front man, Steven Tyler!

He found out that it was the little girl’s birthday so he took mom’s phone and did the sweetest thing! Watch him make this little girl’s birthday complete.

She may not know it yet, but this little girl has bragging rights for the rest of her life after this! If you didn’t already love Steven Tyler, you will after you watch this!

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