Mom Writes Heartfelt Note To Stranger Who Helped With Her Baby On Plane

Mom Writes Heartfelt Note To Stranger Who Helped With Her Baby On Plane

Angela Markus

For adults, plane rides can be extremely hectic, so imagine how chaotic the ride can be for a little pint-size newborn. When Rebekka Garvison boarded her flight from Chicago to Atlanta with an infant in tow, she quickly observed the annoyed looks of her seatmates. When baby Rylee started crying before takeoff, the situation with her in-flight neighbors didn’t improve.

Because of the uncomfortable vibe from the people sitting next to her, Garvison asked if she could change seats. That made all of the difference in the world. Her new seat mate probably sensed how stressed out the new mom was, and when baby Rylee did not stop trying, the stranger offered to try.

Garvison wrote in a Facebook post, “As soon as she had her, Rylee was looking out the window and stopped crying. When we got in the air she fell right asleep and slept in her lap the whole flight until we got to our gate.” The woman even carried the baby off the plane so the mom could get the stroller and car seat.”

Garvison told ABC News that her airplane angel Nyfesha Miller is “an incredible woman who deserves all the accolades she is getting. She was such a relief and so calming to me. I was already stressed and then seeing everyone else’s faces, that just made it even worse.” Garvison said she and Miller are in close contact.

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The new mom wrote, “Nyfesha Miller, you will never understand how happy this act of kindness has made my family. You could’ve just rolled your eyes and been irritated like everyone else, but you took her and held her the entire flight and let me get some rest and peace of mind. It brought tears to my eyes while I sat there and watched you and Rylee sleeping next to me. I just couldn’t believe how that ended up working out and how caring you were to us. Thank you SO much!! God bless you!!”



It takes a village…

Wait a beautiful act of selflessness. SHARE the love and pass it on.


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