She Passed Away. Who Shows Up At Her Funeral Will Make You BAWL Your Eyes Out!

She Passed Away. Who Shows Up At Her Funeral Will Make You BAWL Your Eyes Out!

Genevieve Lopez

Not a day went by that Margarita didn’t walk onto her front porch, bang on her metal bowl, and announce that dinner had been served.

She was compassionate to every animal that she encountered, but especially to the local, hungry stray dogs that eagerly awaited food outside of her home.

That’s why something seemed unusual the day her home stood still. The dogs, and even a few birds, gathered around her home and waited for their meal, but there was nothing.

Margarita Suarez of Merdia, Mexico had passed away.


Family members were stunned when, on the day of her funeral, the funeral parlor was bombarded by 5 stray dogs- the same dogs that Margarita fed every single day.


At first, the staff didn’t know how to handle the situation, but eventually allowed the animals to mourn along with the rest of the family.



They lay on the floor next to her casket in grief and only dispersed once her body was prepared for cremation.


A woman who once gave her respects to the less fortunate animals of the world, is now being honored by those she saved. What a beautiful story!

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