A Man In a Wheelchair Falls Onto The Subway Tracks. What The Security Camera Caught Is UNBELIEVABLE!

A Man In a Wheelchair Falls Onto The Subway Tracks. What The Security Camera Caught Is UNBELIEVABLE!

Kendall Conners

When you take public transportation you really never know what could happen. With the thousands of people that trickle in and out of subways, buses and trams on a daily basis, anything is possible.

Commuters in Washington D.C. were waiting to catch their subway at the U Street station when something happened that no one saw coming. Everyone was standing around waiting for their train to arrive when a man in a motorized wheelchair rolled off the platform and onto the tracks!

According to Dan Stressel, a Metro spokesperson, a 54-year-old man drove his motorized wheelchair off the platform around 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday. He plunged headfirst onto the tracks below, with his wheelchair landing on top of him.

Two good Samaritans saw the whole thing happen and instantly sprang into action! Without even thinking twice, one man jumped down onto the tracks. In a matter of seconds the two men were able to lift the 54-year-old man and his wheelchair to safety.

The handicapped man was rushed to the hospital and luckily enough only suffered cuts to his mouth. As for the two good Samaritans, thank goodness they were there and acted quickly, otherwise who knows what could’ve happened!

No one knows why this man drove off the platform in the first place. It’s hard to tell what happens in the video, but watch below and see for yourself!

What would YOU do if you saw the same thing happen? I’d like to think i’d jump in and help just like these two good Samaritans!

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