She Looks Like A Toddler But She’s Not. When You Find Out How Old She Is Your Jaw Will DROP

She Looks Like A Toddler But She’s Not. When You Find Out How Old She Is Your Jaw Will DROP

Bethany Burrows

Girija Srinivas looks like a toddler but in actuality she is 19-years-old!

The girl was born in Bangalore India and was diagnosed with congenital agenesis as an infant.

The disease has prevented her from growing properly and has left her at a slight 25 pounds. Girija is unable to sit, stand or walk and needs assistance eating, bathing and changing her clothes. Even though she needs help with most of her daily tasks, she craves independence and sells her drawings to help support her family. She says that she isn’t upset about being small and not being able to walk. Her family and friends love her just the same and that’s all that matters to her.

The teenager doesn’t spend her time wondering why this happened to her, she spend her time being thankful she’s alive. 

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