This 13-Year Old Boy Told His Best Friend That He’s Gay.. You Would Never Expect How He Responds…

This 13-Year Old Boy Told His Best Friend That He’s Gay.. You Would Never Expect How He Responds…

Jordan S

Not everyone has a best friend that he can tell ANYTHING to and feel comfortable that he won’t judge you.

The story you are about to read isn’t just about the context, but shows how there really is faith in humanity.  Everyone needs that shoulder to rely on and a companion they can feel comfortable with when times are tough.

The conversation between this 13-year old boy and his best friend shows that there really are friendships out there that can be so full of meaning and compassion.

Twitter user @paleveil shared her brother’s text conversation from her 13-year old brother to his best friend coming out as gay.  At one point, his friend is so concerned and asks if he can call him to talk and the 13-year old says no because his parents are in the room.

This boy’s best friend’s response is so shocking.  It’s literally the best way anyone could respond to the coming out of a young boy, or anyone of any age for that matter.

im only telling this to you so please don’t tell anyone else. i trust you bro.

See the coming-out conversation below:





Here is the original tweet from @paleveil:


If you have a friend you can trust this much, or want to spread this loving story, please share by tapping on share below:


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