Teen Girl With Rare Genetic Disorder Progeria Surpasses Doctor’s Expectations

Teen Girl With Rare Genetic Disorder Progeria Surpasses Doctor’s Expectations

Angela Markus

She may look like an older woman, but Magali Gonzalez Sierra is just like any other teenage girl. She likes glittery things, the color pink, and make-up.

The only difference is that she suffers from Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome—a rare genetic condition characterized by the dramatic, rapid appearance of aging that begins in childhood.

As there is no cure, few people with progeria live past the age of 13, but Magali is one of them. She defied doctors’ expectations and was able to celebrate her long-awaited 15th birthday with an epic Quinceanera.

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This means a lot to her parents who live in constant fear of losing their daughter one day. Her mother Sofia, 35, told a local newspaper “Magali wants to be 15. She told me she wants her party; that even though she doesn’t dance, she wants us to dance. She wants balloons and celebrations and that people come.”

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Although Magali cannot walk, her birthday was as special as she wanted it to be. She was dressed as a princess -complete with a crown- and had a beautiful party that encouraged her to enjoy life.

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According to the Progeria Research Foundation, HGPS is a rare, fatal genetic disorder caused by a mutation in the gene called LMNA (pronounced, lamin – a). The LMNA gene produces the Lamin A protein, which is the structural scaffolding that holds the nucleus of a cell together. Researchers now believe that the defective Lamin A protein makes the nucleus unstable. That cellular instability appears to lead to the process of premature aging in Progeria.

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Magali epitomizes how special life truly is.

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