Florida Family Gives The Ultimate Thank You With This Light Display

Florida Family Gives The Ultimate Thank You With This Light Display

Angela Markus

In my opinion, we cannot thank the brave men and women who fight for our safety on a daily basis enough. Thanking each individually as they pass us by in grocery stores and the shopping mall is a pleasure, but is it enough? One Tallahassee family decided to create the ultimate thank you with lights. They decorated their home with a display to honor the troops.

Green and red are the standards when it comes to Christmas decorations, but this family decided to switch it up for a more patriotic effect. The holidays are about giving thanks for family and loved ones, as well as giving to others. The Florida family decided to take that a step further with a chauvinist Christmas display.

In the clip, the house is rigged with an intricate light show that plays along to Lee Greenwood’s “Proud To Be An American,” to thank the American troops and veterans. Instead of typical Christmas decorations, this house honors “over 1 million American troops that have made the ultimate sacrifice” since 1775. If the lights and the music weren’t clear enough, the family also put a giant American flag on top of their roof.

Watching such a display will bring about chills, and you too will feel “proud to be an American”!

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