Meet Owl and The Illusion, The Cutest Father-Son Duo You’ve Ever Seen!

Meet Owl and The Illusion, The Cutest Father-Son Duo You’ve Ever Seen!

Angela Markus

A dad, Hamish, who refers to himself as “The Illusion,” and his newborn baby boy named Owl have an insanely cute heart to heart that will be sure to make you go “aww.”

Hamish has made a habit of shooting videos of his life and his adorable little baby boy, and sharing them with the masses. He frequently philosophizes and discusses life’s greatest questions — and oftentimes his talks are directed at or with Owl. Hamish claims that Owl has the knowledge of the universe and that the baby is able to speak to his parents via telepathy.  

Regardless of whether or not you think adorable baby Owl actually has all the answers to life’s greatest questions, you have to admit that it’s adorable to see a dad bonding with his son like this. Hamish refers to Owl as his “number one” human and talks about how they are the absolute best of buds. When two aren’t discussing the meaning of life, they bond over The Grateful Dead and other popular alternative bands.

You can tell from looking at them that they have a close spiritual connection. As Hamish says, it’s in the eyes. Little baby Owl is lucky to have such a great dad who enjoys spending quality time with his son. We can’t wait to see more videos with Hamish and Owl. Who knows, maybe one day soon they’ll be making a father/son cover of “Touch of Grey.” Here’s to hoping!

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