The loss of a loved one is one of the hardest things to endure in life. What’s even more difficult is when a loved one is taken from you in an instant as a result of a small mistake.
17-year-old Shauna Murphy and 15-year-old Meghan Murphy died in a severe car accident after a night of drinking. Shauna had gotten ahold of a lost license and used it to buy alcohol. She invited her sister and her friend, Melisa Smith, along for the joy ride that ultimately took their lives. Melisa was the only survivor in the accident.
Today, she’s telling their story along with Shuana and Meghan’s parents, Chris and Michelle. “If Shauna and Meghan, if they had to tell a story, the story would be, ‘We made a mistake but it cost us our life. Don’t make the mistake we did.'”
Chris and Michelle have created “The Murphy Sisters Foundation,” a program that has helped start Safe Rides. Safe Rides is dedicated to bringing home people safe. Volunteers are available from 10pm to 2:00am to pick up people from anywhere, no questions asked. Donations also help send teenagers to a driver training safety school.
Shauna and Meghans parents believe they will potentially save lives with their foundations and that their daughters would be proud. We think so too.
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