If You Spot a Man With One Polished Nail, It Means So Much More Than You Know…

If You Spot a Man With One Polished Nail, It Means So Much More Than You Know…

Angela Markus

Men across the country are sporting a colorful look on their fingernails and the reason is the most touching. The Polished Man campaign was created to raise awareness of violence against children. The idea sprung from the founder and CEO of social change advocacy group YGAP, Elliot Costello, who met 10-year-old Thea while in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

The campaign is largely focused on getting men to participate as approximately 90 percent of all violence committed against children is perpetrated by men according to the campaign’s website.

As a result, the campaign aims to encourage men to challenge their minds on what it means to be a man and not to accept violence, as well as painting one fingernail to represent the one-in-five children globally who experience violence.

According to the website, the inspiration for the Polished Man campaign came the day before Elliot left Cambodia when Thea drew a love heart on his hand and painted his fingernails.

Funds raised during the Polished Man campaign will contribute to preventative measures to address violence against children. To get started it’s simple, guys register on the website at polishedman.com, paint a nail, and then post a picture on social media with the hashtag #PolishedMan.

If you will like to help this cause, please SHARE the love and pass it on.