The perfectly plaid high-waisted shorts, collared white crop tops and curled pigtails of The Ross Sisters seem innocent at the beginning of their 1940s performance, but the best has yet to come.
The three-part harmony trio known as The Ross Sisters was made up of Aggie Ross, Elmira Ross and Maggie Ross. The singing sisters were unlike any of the stars to grace the big screen today.
These three, not only sing, but synchronize their dance moves in impeccable unison! Just when you think the dance moves couldn’t get any more impressive, the three sisters arch their backs and perform acrobatics like spineless contortionists. The talent gene in this family didn’t skip a beat!
They gained the most public attention in the 1940s for their feature in the musical, “Broadway Rhythm.” The video below is a classic clip of The Ross Sisters – and believe me, spectacular is an understatement!
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